Pre-School Classes
Mini Movers for Ages 3-4
A ballet based creative movement class designed for children ages 3-4
This is a fun introductory dance class that incorporates basic ballet technique, understanding the rythmn and tempo within music, and an introduction to dance choreography. This class will participate in our yearly recitals.
Tap for Ages 4-6
​Tap teaches students musicality and rhythm by learning to create a sequence of sounds with their own feet. No previous dance experience is needed, however we recommend that this class is taken along with other classes to enhance students’ musicality skills in all dance styles. Ballet or Jazz would be excellent additional classes for these dancers. This class will participate in our yearly recitals.
Hip Hop for Ages 4-6
This style is performed with upbeat music and high energy. This beginning level class teaches students how to coordinate strong movements with popular music. If your child is interested in trying out dance for the first time and wants a less formal atmosphere, this is the class you’re looking for! No previous dance experience needed. This class will participate in our yearly recitals.